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In the middle of just a few key elements in School Transformation is the essential need for the careful development and tight alignment of

Inviting Classrooms - Encouraging vs Demanding

"Finnish First" Dan Rather investigates the transformation of classrooms in Finland

More on Finland, and more..... The Smartest Kids in the World by Amanda Riley

Jump to my related website - "Creating The Future We Prefer"

Professional Learning Prompts related to Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction

Six Universal Concepts.....and Key Concepts for Each Discipline: SYSTEMS * RELATIONSHIPS * BALANCE/EQUITY * PATTERNS * CHANGE * STRUCTURE

Conceptual Understanding in Math

Next Generation Science Standards - Crosscutting Concepts: Cause & Effect, Patterns, Systems & System Models, Structure & Function, Energy & Matter, Scale, Proportion & Quantity

IB and Transdisciplinary Concepts

IB and Concept-Based Learning

Learning Theories

Big Concepts

More details on Big Concepts

Big Questions

Thematic Questions


Common Core Anchor Standards & 80 20 Curriculum

Power Standards

SCANS Competencies & Skills

Language Arts & Social Studies

Science & Math

New Generation Science Standards

The Arts

Handy Compendium of All Standards - MCREL

Eight Concerns with the Common Core State Standards

21st Century Skills - Marzano & Heflebower

Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomies - Cognitive / Affective / Psychomotor

Enduring Understandings - Vermont

Project-Based Learning & Creativity

Common Core Standards in Chicago

Rebellion Against Common Core! "I saw a train wreck coming," Hartsfield said, reeling off a list of complaints about the Common Core it's backed by the federal government, the standards are too tough, it abandons old-school rote learning for show-your-work models....Opposition to the standards covers a spectrum of mistrust: accusations that new tests will be used to mine data on students, complaints that Bill Gates and other corporate interests are in control, rumors that kids will no longer be allowed to read "Moby Dick." "Some people are concerned about the data. Some are concerned about the textbooks. Some are concerned about the constitutionality. Some people are concerned about the union issues."

Arkansas professor Sandra Stotsky and Stanford professor emeritus R. James Milgram, who consider the new standards lacking in rigor sufficient to prepare students to do well in college. They argue that the common core "adopts a bottom-line, pragmatic approach to education" that "shortchanges the central goals of all sound education and surely those of Catholic education: to grow in the virtues necessary to know, love, and serve the Lord, to mature into a responsible, flourishing adult, and to contribute as a citizen to the process of responsible democratic self government." The letter contends that the standards set too low a bar for the literature and mathematics that should be expected of all students. Critics such as Milgram have long argued that the standards fall short of preparing students for the math they'll need in college, especially if they plan math or science majors. Stotsky contends that the standards' emphasis on nonfiction will displace important literature from the classroom, and she also argues that English/language arts standards are meaningless when they don't require students to read the classic literary canon. (The standards are accompanied by a list of recommended "exemplar" texts, but the only specific texts they require are a Shakespeare play and a group of foundational American documents.)


Bloom's Taxonomies

Ed Week - 21st Century Skills - (Transfer)

Study of 21st Century Skills

Skepticism vs Cynicism

Presentation of Critical Thinking - know how information is organized

Tony Wagner's 7 Survival Skills

Study of 21st Century Skills

21st Century Curriculum - Rigorous Core Academics PLUS Imagination / Creativity / Innovation & High Quality Human Relationships

The Baseline Essays - The concept of Baseline Essays was introduced by Dr. Asa Hilliard III, a consultant to the Portland Public School District, in 1982. The phrase baseline essays when used by the Portland Public School District means a series of essays that provides fundamental information abut the history, culture and contributions to overall human heritage. For each geocultural group, a set of essays covers the subjects of: Art Language Arts Mathematics Music Science Social Studies The set is meant to highlight the essence of any civilization. It also provides the reader with relevant and positive information, presented from that groups worldview. The inhabitants of the United Sates are divided into six geocultural groups: African-American American Indian Asian-American European-American Hispanic-American Pacific Islander-American

Lincoln Center Institute (click on 'Learning To Imagine')

High Quality Human Relationships - Social-Emotional Learning - CASEL - Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning

Alverno College - 8 Core Abilities

21st Century Curriculum

The Creativity Crisis

Lynn Erickson - Concept Learning & Creativity, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving

Do Schools Kill Creativity? Sir Kenneth Robinson

Thinking Styles - Concrete / Abstract / Sequential / Random

Brain Research and Higher-Order Thinking - Judy Willis


Atlas Curriculum Integration Tools

What curriculum outcomes are 'high-stakes' assessments focused on?

Universal Concepts / Big Ideas - Important in every discipline, very important in each.


Why are short, formative 'progress checks' essential to Mastery Learning?

Formative Assessment
Assessing for learning

Five Key Strategies for Formative Assessment

Self & Peer Formative Assessment

Value-Added Assessment & The Oak Tree Analogy


Go to 'Arts-Based 'Visualizations' & S.T.A.R. Moments' and review the strategy under 'Focus on Leading Indicators.

Battelle For Kids: Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment
Assessment of Learning

Neighborhood Nexus - Interactive Data Bank To Explore Positive Deviants - Schools which beat the expectations....

Benchmarking The Best: Who is very good? How do they do it? Results in Shanghai & Hong Kong

National Assessment of Educational Progress

Standardized Testing - Advantages & Problems

High-Stakes Accountability vs Creativity?

Around the world, though, other countries are making creativity development a national priority. In 2008 British secondary-school curricula—from science to foreign language—was revamped to emphasize idea generation, and pilot programs have begun using Torrance’s test to assess their progress. The European Union designated 2009 as the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, holding conferences on the neuroscience of creativity, financing teacher training, and instituting problem-based learning programs—curricula driven by real-world inquiry—for both children and adults. In China there has been widespread education reform to extinguish the drill-and-kill teaching style. Instead, Chinese schools are also adopting a problem-based learning approach.

Plucker recently toured a number of such schools in Shanghai and Beijing. He was amazed by a boy who, for a class science project, rigged a tracking device for his moped with parts from a cell phone. When faculty of a major Chinese university asked Plucker to identify trends in American education, he described our focus on standardized curriculum, rote memorization, and nationalized testing. “After my answer was translated, they just started laughing out loud,” Plucker says. “They said, ‘You’re racing toward our old model. But we’re racing toward your model, as fast as we can.’ ”

Overwhelmed by curriculum standards, American teachers warn there’s no room in the day for a creativity class. Kids are fortunate if they get an art class once or twice a week. But to scientists, this is a non sequitur, borne out of what University of Georgia’s Mark Runco calls “art bias.” The age-old belief that the arts have a special claim to creativity is unfounded. When scholars gave creativity tasks to both engineering majors and music majors, their scores laid down on an identical spectrum, with the same high averages and standard deviations. Inside their brains, the same thing was happening—ideas were being generated and evaluated on the fly.

Researchers say creativity should be taken out of the art room and put into homeroom. The argument that we can’t teach creativity because kids already have too much to learn is a false trade-off. Creativity isn’t about freedom from concrete facts. Rather, fact-finding and deep research are vital stages in the creative process. Scholars argue that current curriculum standards can still be met, if taught in a different way.


The Marzano 9 - Best Summary

Bloom - 2 Sigma Problem

Creativity, Critical Thinking and the New Common Core Standards - Symposium Videos

What instructional strategies foster engagement, learning, and intrinsic motivation?


A powerful (arts-based) instructional strategy is like a simple machine, it helps to get more work done with less effort.

What Works......

Marzano Instructional Research & Strategies

Marzano - Classrooms That Work

Marzano Strategies with Details

Marzano Academic Vocabulary

Using Character and the Arts to Link Instruction to Higher Levels of Learning

Types of ADD

Considering Learning Styles

More on Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Learning Styles

VARK Learning Style Inventory

SIOP - for ESOL: The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol...The SIOP Model consists of eight interrelated components: Lesson Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/Application Lesson Delivery Review & Assessment

WIDA - Strategies for ESOL

ESOL - The following are some strategies used by the ESL teacher to enhance English language acquisition: The Natural Approach Total Physical Response (TPR) Language Experience Approach (LEA) Story or Text Retelling Read Alouds Thinking Maps for ELLs Graphic Organizers Projects/Hands-On Activities Journal Writing Role-playing

Think Like Einstein

Stories and 'Passion-Based' Learning


Inquiry Learning

Project-Based Learning, Creativity AND Test Scores - PBS

More on Project-Based Learning, and Danville KY

Challenge-Based Learning: Students today have instant access to information through technology and the web, manage their own acquisition of knowledge through informal learning, and have progressed beyond consumers of content to become producers and publishers. As a result, traditional teaching and learning methods are becoming less effective at engaging students and motivating them to achieve. Todays students are presented with content-centric assignments that meet standards but lack a real-world context and opportunities for active participation. Because these assignments often fail to engage students, they can lead to uninspired work and a gradual process of disengagement. Learn more....

FLOW & Intrinsic Motivation

Daniel Pink - DRIVE - Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose

CEP Principles of Engagement

The Brain

Strengthening the Brains Executive Functions The Real Higher Order Processing

Concept-Based Learning

Schema Theory - students can remember substantial amounts of new information only if they are able to cluster it with their related existing ideas. People forget information if they do not work to integrate it into their existing mental frameworks. Ausubel states that as a result of this type of anchorage to cognitive structure, the newly-learned material is no longer dependent for its incorporation and retention on the frail human capacity for assimilating and retaining arbitrary associations

Managing Project Based Learning

Teachers Who Do Project-Based Learning

Rubicon International Foundation - Service Learning

Project CHILD - Changing How Instruction for Learning is Delivered

IXL - Math


Five Tips for Flipped Classrooms

Teacher Quality - scroll down and click on "Why Are Some Teachers More Effective Than Others?" Battelle For Kids

Teacher Quality: Readings

Sharing the work with the student - Using Character Development & Arts Integration to link instruction to Learning

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