What Works.....
Mastery Learning: Fixed Achievement / Variable Time / Formative Assessment. Consider: Goal Time/Clock Time & permission/invitation
to develop & demonstrate 'competency' and the relationship to effort!
Using Visual Arts To Teach Critical Thinking
Cooperative Learning: Small Teams Work on Meaningful Projects Together
Engagement, Learning, Remembering & Applying
What Sort of Works, Under Some Conditions
Direct Instruction: Sometimes there is no substitute!
(Partial) Grade Level Retention
From recent Neuroscience, it now looks like making
accommodations for Left-Right Brain functioning, or for Visual / Auditory / Kinesthetic preferences is not more effective
for the different learners. Interestingly, experience indicates that both might be effective for higher levels of engagement,
of all students. More coming on this.......
How to avoid pitfalls in Social-Emotional Learning