Exceptional Educational Program.....IB Certification Where is ISA with regard to the IB/PYP Evaluation
and Self-Study Cycle? Plans to submit in October 2012, for a possible 'authorization' visit in the Spring of
A full program plan leading to IB Qualification (Flow Chart / Project Planner) - Perhaps
is in place, no time to ask.
Best IB/PYP I have seen at the Primary level was embedded inside
'Invitational Education' (see below) to strengthen the pyramid of Head / Heart / Hands....
Constructivism & Trans-disciplinary Concepts & Concept-Based Instruction
Remarkable: Inquiry Focus which the students reflected in discussion Remarkable:
PYP Learner Characteristics / Character Traits
To Consider at the School Level:
A clear 'vision / framework' which knits together the shared
vision of key stakeholders and which can be communicated to a stream of younger, new, faculty, as competition for top teachers
tightens in the future. Consider
'Invitational Education'
International Baccalaureate - Primary and Secondary
Invitational Education - Foundations
Invitational Education - Fundamentals & Advanced
Consider: Lincoln Center Institure - Aesthetic Education, Inquiry and the Imagination
Character Education & CEP 'Promising Practices Award
Framework for Professional Learning
Feel they have trained all faculty, except the new ones, and that all are eager
learners. Have used IB trainers, and are sending a team for more IB training. Need to ask....What has
been the best professional learning experience so far? Why was this the best?
For now, they are
retaining their faculty, but agree that in coming years when there are more openings with higher salaries, something will
need to be done to retain faculty, and perhaps agreed that becoming a Professional Development School would be a positive
force. They do already pay a stipend for teacher leaders at each grade level, do have common planning time and early
release time, and are already using some elements of Professional Learning Communities......
To Consider: A Professional Learning Program comprehensive
enough, and focused enough, to support IB, 21st Century Curriculum, and evolving into a Professional Learning School as a
revenue stream....Must address the learning needs of a higher turnover of young faculty as projected into the future.
Framework for Professional Learning
Feel they have trained all faculty, except the new ones, and that all are eager
learners. Have used IB trainers, and are sending a team for more IB training. Need to ask....What has
been the best professional learning experience so far? Why was this the best?
For now, they are
retaining their faculty, but agree that in coming years when there are more openings with higher salaries, something will
need to be done to retain faculty, and perhaps agreed that becoming a Professional Development School would be a positive
force. They do already pay a stipend for teacher leaders at each grade level, do have common planning time and early
release time, and are already using some elements of Professional Learning Communities......
To Consider: A Professional Learning Program comprehensive
enough, and focused enough, to support IB, 21st Century Curriculum, and evolving into a Professional Learning School as a
revenue stream....Must address the learning needs of a higher turnover of young faculty as projected into the future.
To Consider - Professional Learning Communities, led by 'Teacher Leaders' - For K-2, 3-5, 6-8, or individual grade levels,
if funding is available. See possible roles here.
To Consider at the Classroom Level: (In light of the
existing strong arts programs)
Strengthen the 'Trans-disciplinary' and 'Inquiry' boost achieved
by integrating of the arts and character into the classroom lessons and units, developed collaboratively
by teacher grade level teams (PLCs) collaborating with current arts partners.
To consider: Character training was seen as IB appropriate...........Short discussion about why arts integration might fit
both the 'Transdisciplinary' dimension and the need to build on reading and writing success to boost math, science, and social
After School Enrichment Partners
Enter content here
Math & Music Makers Partner Camp
Explore & Develop supplementary revenue streams -
Is there a reasonable and sustainable target for funding beyond state funds? To
Consider: Grants, they have applied for $15,000 plus grant from IB, but more is needed/desired......How to find and
secure a grant that is sufficient and sustainable, and non-distracting? I will work up some possible options,
but the outlook is not promising. To Consider: Professional Learning School -
on-line & on-site.....with (virtual?) school visit coaching.....Building
existing faculty through involving them in teaching others, at the school, and
from elsewhere.
Immediate concerns: 1 - It would be a long time until young faculty could draw
respect and deliver..... (However, if the training is packaged in small, focused prompts or modules, teacher success and videos,
even from young teachers would be marketable.....and the incentive would pull young teachers into maturity faster)
- Schools in the area have access to MRESA, cheap, quality training (However, schools have less PL funding and need both group
and differentiated PL)
Special Niche - High Level Traditional Academic
Achievement PLUS 21st Century Curriculum - Imagination, Creative Problem-Solving, Higher-Order
Thinking Skills, High Quality Human Relationships & Character Development.
Questions, Scores, & Demographics
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