See below for achievement data and a background email from Thomas Panter illustrating the negative influence of
high-stakes accountability models on quality teaching. Thomas was nearly persuaded that he could not afford to use arts
integration - until he saw the results, where his students achieved nearly double the gains of the other classes, and learned to love learning!
Social Studies Pre-Post 1st 9 Weeks
For All (Low Functioning Students On Level Students
Advanced Content Students
Pre-test Post-test Change
Pre-test Post-test Change
Pre-test Post-test Change
SFA 28.9 28.9 0%
OL 27.3 36.5 34%
AC 29.4 40.1 36%
SFA 24.0 31.7 32%
OL 29.1 39.5 36% AC
34.1 47.4 39%
SFA 18.0 31.0 72%
OL 28.2 47.1 67% AC 31.5 51.1 62% Panter
Classes SFA 12.5 20.5 64% OL 21.6
23.0 6 AC
Special Education Class
OL 24.8 35.0 41% AC
SFA 20.0
23.0 15% OL
22.7 28.0 23% AC
SFA 20.3 28.1
38% OL 27.4 37.5
37% AC 8th Grade TOTAL SFA 20.6 27.2 32%
OL 25.9 35.2 36% AC
31.7 46.2 46%
Dr. Benjamin, When we met this Summer to discuss CTSL units, I was concerned that I would
fall behind the other 8th grade teachers. As you know, we have a curriculum map that mandates we cover Chapters 1-5
before the end of the the first nine week grading period. We each gave the same pretest over the curriculum to
be covered in the first nine weeks the first week of school. We each were required to give the same test at the end
of the nine week grading period and compare gains and look for any gaps. I used only three large CTSL units for
my instruction the first nine weeks. I was able to complete the first four chapters and had just started the fifth
chapter when I had to give the posttest. I was worried that maybe my scores would not be as high as the other teachers
who covered the materials in the conventional way. I used art, music, master works such as the preamble and Gettysburg
Address. The students created a themepark, analyzed primary sources and wrote a letter as James Longstreet to
his accusers. They researched their most admired people from history and created timelines. They rewrote the Gettysburg
Address in their own words and created a new state song with lyrics that described a particular region of the
state. Did it work? My test score gains blew the others away!!!! Plus, I had not taught 1/5 of the material and
still almost doubled the gains made by other teachers! The data was divided into advanced students, regular students,
and students who were in danger on not passing the CRCT. For those at Gettysburg College who would like to see
if the units help students understand and retain the content, I have included the data for them to study. How are things going with the grant's move? The students are realy excited about creating the story of the Gettysburg
Address to teach at other schols but I told them I am waiting to hear from you. I miss working with you and the
growth as an educator and person you have inspired. Thomas Panter Durham Middle School
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