#1 - Strengthening and then extending Invitational
Education in the classroom -Mission - "Cordially
summoning.....Human Potential, for all -Vision - Using the Starfish metaphor for understanding, and applying it to our work -Beliefs & Assumptions
- Identifying, and using other metaphors, as a 'Best Practice' -Using BenjaminSystems.com
website -Evaluation & Planning
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- "Cordially summoning.....Human Potential,
for all I.E. leads school improvement models by its prime focus on the realization
of human potential, for students and faculty..... Intellectually,
Ability to know and to reason
Ability to forge and maintain high quality human relationships
Imagination, creative problem solving
Ability and will to act, to use all the senses
Relationship to that which is greater than one's self Such a sublime focus provides motivation
and direction to small and large initiatives.
- Using the Starfish metaphor for understanding, and applying it to our work Metaphors
are powerful. The Starfish metaphor teaches that I.E. is a 'Systems Approach' which
unites at least five different coordinated types of influence - - People -
Place - Processes - Programs - Policies A School Development Plan
needs to eventually call into play each type of influence, as appropriate to the particular school or classroom.
& Assumptions - Identifying, and using
other metaphors, as a 'Best Practice' All 'mental models' or metaphors
have strengths and limitations. After all, the goals of I.E. have little in common with the digestion of another being.
Another ocean metaphor might pick up and build on the Starfish Metaphor - that of a "School of Fish" Here
we have many separate entities acting together to achieve a common purpose. The 'School
of Fish' metaphor draws on recent findings about 'Mirror Neurons' and human behavior.
& Planning + Δ