"It turns out that neither the researchers whose work is reported on in this paper nor the analysts of the OECD
PISA data have found any evidence that any country that leads the world's education performance league tables has gotten
there by implementing any of the major agenda items that dominate the education reform agenda in the United States.
We include in this list the use of market mechanisms such as charter schools and vouchers, the identification
and support of education entrepreneurs to disrupt the system, and the use of student performance data on standardized tests
to identify teachers and principals who are then rewarded on that basis for the value they add to a student's education
or who are punished because they fail to do so." Marc Tucker Report
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We include in this list the use of market mechanisms such as charter schools and vouchers, the identification
and support of education entrepreneurs to disrupt the system, and the use of student performance data on standardized tests
to identify teachers and principals who are then rewarded on that basis for the value they add to a student's education
or who are punished because they fail to do so.
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