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" I have come to a frightening conclusion.  I am the decisive element in the classroom.  It is my personal approach that creates the climate.  It is my daily mood that makes the weather......  Haim Ginott

Culture of Character - High Quality Human Relationships & Continuous Improvement?

The International Alliance for Invitational EducationĀ® Is pleased to announce the availability of the Inviting School Survey-RevisedĀ©2011

What Is It?
The Inviting School Survey-Revised (ISS-R) is an easy to complete inventory designed to measure the degree to which schools are welcoming in five basic areas:  People, Places, Policies, Programs and Processes.

Poverty & Race

Professional Learning Communities

Whippany Park Students as Teachers

7 Things Teachers are Sick of Hearing From School Reformers

What can school teams learn from Geese? (insert picture of geese flying in formation)

What is in a name - Natural Selection at Charles Darwin HS!

SURPASSING SHANGHAI - Homework x.2 = The American Dream. Here Friedman outlines the two critical challenges for American Education: (1) Lift the bottom to the average very quickly; and (2) bring the U.S. average to the global average. We must emphasize not only the 3 Rs but also the 3 Cs: Communication, collaboration and creativity.

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Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal Invites Shift of 'Culture'

Case Study of Modern Teachers and Fads/Initiatives

The Relationship School - David Brooks

Humanistic Psychology

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