“The Economist” published in its 2009 October 20th magazine a report on China and the United States
entitled “The odd couple”. It opened onto the opposite drawing. (Ying & Yang Flags). Were the
authors really conscious of spreading a representation of the ascending path from the “terrestrial” United States
towards the “celestial” China ? Probably not ! Nevertheless, this image reflects well the reality. China is still
the possessor of an ancient tradition that not only allows a more complete perception of the being, but of the world as well.
It is up to the country citizens to become fully aware of it.
Learning to interpret statements of strategy from China - Michael Pillsbury
The Art of War Sun Tsu Full Documentary
Urban Legend - about John Kerry and the biased media leading to defeat in Vietnam....
Hong Kong Student Protest

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Confucious Institute
NY Times Series - Endangered Dragon....Municipal Debt in China
Sleeping Dragon - Invitational Education in the US
Revisions to Hong Kong 'Liberal Studies'
Curriculum: OFFICIAL RECOMMENDATIONS Deleting the discussion point on adolescents'
motivations to participate in community affairs. Adding "personal, eg. identity, a sense of
responsibility, altruism, self-actualisation" as one of the angles for the discussion point on factors that determine
residents' participation in socio-political affairs. Adding "adolescents" as one of the examples
of "people, organisations and interest groups", when explaining one of the angles for discussion point on how the
government responds to the demands of different social groups. Deleting "feelings
and responses towards … major events related to them" and "participation in and contribution to social groups"
from the angles for the discussion point on how Hong Kong residents developed their identities.
American History & Chinese History
Flags & Stars

When the British possession Hong Kong reverted to China in 1997, it remained a Special Administrative Region with
its own flag. The new attractive flag is red with a central emblem of a bauhinia, a five-petalled “orchid”.
This flower can be mostly found in Hong Kong in a bright crimson colour and less frequently white as on the pattern. The five
red stars within the petals recall the Chinese flag of sovereignty, also designed with a red background.
Whatever connection can be made with the usual interpretation of the Chinese
flag, the meaning of the five-pointed stars goes back to the origins of the very old Chinese element theory. It was used to
explain the manifestation process of the physical aspects in relation to the yang and yin principles. As everybody knows,
nothing occurs in China which is not related to yin and yang. http://users.skynet.be/lotus/flag/hk-en.htm
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