The following framework is adapted from the broad
'Guiding Principles' advanced by the Music in Education National Consortium., While the original intent focused on
Music and Music Integration, the principles are as good as any and better than most, for guiding more general Arts & Arts
Integration - with the modifications made below. A specfic application to a school is provided at:
Re-forming Educational Practice. Principle 1: We believe in the continuous
reformation of educational practices to
optimize the
capacity of all children to learn, and that
crucial to
this re/forrn is the rethinking of the essential role of the arts and arts integration in education.
Full implementation of one selected model, with fidelity, but without customization or continuous adjustments based on results
and on emerging 'best practices'
Demonstrable Relationship to Proven School Improvement Models & Strategies
Demonstrable Relationship to Proven Arts Integration Models & Strategies
'continuous' - Total Quality/continuous improvement.... see criteria for Baldrige Award
'optimize capacity' - Invitational Education/cordially summon self & students to reach potential....
see criteria for 'Inviting School Award' & I.E. Fidelity Award
'rethinking role of the arts'
- Arts Integration/Senses - Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic - ends & means
Evidence: What has recently been accomplished which demonstrates this principle?
Site-based change. Principle 2: We believe that in order arts integration be
effective as part of a larger practice of school change,
it must be understood in the context of the particular school's concept
of evolvement.
Full implementation of one selected model, with fidelity, but without customization or continuous adjustments
based on results and on emerging 'best practices'
to School Improvement Plans / School Improvement Models / School Transformation
Evidence: What
has recently been accomplished which demonstrates this principle?
Differentiation and Synthesis. Principle 3: We believe that a comprehensive program assumes its full power in education through the dvnamic tension between the arts as distinct authentic
subject areas, and
as parts of a rich curriculum integrated
with other subject areas.
Use of research-based Lesson or Unit Design
Criteria - Marzano, UbD, Learning Focused Schools, Project-Based, or other design criteria
Evidence: What
has recently been accomplished which demonstrates this principle?
and Its Community. Principle 4: \We believe that arts integration changes the culture of a school, supports it in the invention
and articulation of its own change, and invokes the school
and its community as agents of this change.
Explicit attention to a vision embracing 'climate'
and 'culture' in thepresent and in the future
Collaborative Professional Inquiry & Action
Research a Pervasive Feature of the Culture
Evidence: What
has recently been accomplished which demonstrates this principle?
Diverse Strategies for Teaching and Learning. Principle 5:
We believe in diverse strategies for the
implementation of arts integration practices as
a way to improve teaching and learning throughout the school.
Use of ArtsNOW Ignite Guides, Marzano Engagement
& Instructional Strategies, Project Zero 'Artful Thinking' Strategies, Essential Questions, Works of Art &
'Third Things', Demonstrated
Engagement Rubric - Adapted from Schlechty and Scott for ST/ CTTA
Evidence: What
has recently been accomplished which demonstrates this principle?
and Society. Principle 6: We believe that teaching experiences and mentor relationships are ail essential part of the developing growth as an artist and citizen, critical to his/her
success as a practitioner and as
a significant contributor to society;
Professional Learning Communities
Evidence: What
has recently been accomplished which demonstrates this principle?
Equity and High Expectations, Principle 7: \ \'e believe that the compelling nature Of the arts generates unique opportunities for teachers to provide equitable access to learning while invoking and sustaining high expectations for
all students.
Universal Design Principles Evident
Differentiated Instruction Demonstrated
Extensions for ESOL, Special Education (RTI),
and Gifted Students
Evidence: What
has recently been accomplished which demonstrates this principle?
ReflectivePractice. Principle 8: \ ve believethat teachers and artists build their capacity as reflectivepractitioners through a
scholarship of teaching that involves documenting, analyzing,and sharing their own work and evidence of student learning.
Professional Learning Communities
Action Research
Evidence: What
has recently been accomplished which demonstrates this principle?
9. Participation in Professional Community. Principle 9: We believe in the creation and expansion of professional networks to generate discourse,
share practices, develop new inquiry, and further research as an ongoing extension of the arts integration process.
Professional Learning Communities
Professional Learning Communities
Evidence: What has recently been accomplished which demonstrates this principle? |
10. Diverse Assessment Strategies. Principle 10: We
make a commitment to develop,document, and
disseminate multiple assessment strategies,
including new technologies,in order to illuminate
the complexity and scope of teaching and learning processes,to refine definitions
of quality,and to address a variety of audiences and purposes.
Demonstrable use of authentic 'performance'
assessment / Student 'self' assessment / frequent formative assessments.
Evidence: What has recently been accomplished which demonstrates
this principle? |