Teacher Laeader Prompt
Title: What Might a School Leadership Team Do if There is Too Much On the Plate?
Instructions / purpose: A
’prompt’ is a……… This prompt is intended to…….
Basic Prompt: (Should
take approximately 10 to 15 minutes)
Consider the following suggested guidelines “for addressing issues crucial to the success of integrating any
combination of innovations.”
1 – All innovative strategies in the improvement program should share common
goals and premises.
2 – No single innovative strategy can do everything.
- 3 – The innovative strategies in the improvement program should complement each other.
4 – All innovative strategies need to be adapted to individual
classroom and building conditions
- 5 –
When a well-conceived combination of innovative strategies is used, the results are likely to be greater than those attained
by any single strategy.
Considerations….We must
Drop the practice of introducing each innovation as an isolated “new idea”
without relationship to or regard for other ideas
- Describe
the relationships between existing and new strategies
- Press
advocates of a particular strategy to be explicit about the limitations of that approach.
- Provide support and follow-up activities for an adequate time.
Please reflect on the above and answer the following questions:
Which of the guidelines is most important in your setting at the present time?
Which of the considerations is most important in your setting at the present time?
Who ought judge what level of support is adequate, or how much time it should be
in place?
Who should decide the pace of introducing additional innovations?